Friday, June 10, 2005

‘Mother’s Milk’ can help Boost Immune System

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Colostrum, or ‘mother’s milk’ in layman’s term, can help boost one’s immune system even during adulthood, when aging has significantly weakened the body’s defenses. This finding was presented by Mark Bartlett, Ph. D., Pharmanex (nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. affiliate) senior scientist, together with molecular biologist and biotechnology consultant, Dr. Romulo S. de Villa during the launch of IgG Boost, a new food supplement containing Colostrum MFT from cows.

Colostrum is the first milk provided by mothers when they breastfeed their babies. It is rich in antibodies and other immune components beneficial for proper function of a child’s immune system - considered most vulnerable during infancy.

Studies show that as people get older, the body’s antibody production decreases, weakening protection against bacteria and viruses. There are also periods when immune resistance is challenged because of recent illness, stress, sleep deprivation, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. Tell-tale signs of a weak immune system are gastrotestinal disorders, asthma, allergic rhinitis and food allergy. Reintroducing colostrum to the body was clinically proven to jump-start the immune system’s weaken state.

IgG Boost, whose main ingredient is Colostrum MFT (first fluid milk produced two to three days from the birth of a calf), was confirmed to boost primary immune functions by providing c concentrated spectrum of supplemental immune antibody proteins. It is also enriched with immunoglobulin G, which provides front-line immune support in the gut by sticking to invading harmful pathogens, making them easier for the body to recognize, destroy and eliminate.

The supplement can be taken by anyone interested in boosting immune activity (from children to adult), anyone under immune stress and/or exposed to environmental pathogens, aged individuals with weak or compromised immune systems, and those hyper-sensitive to dairy or lactose-containing products. The supplement is safe to be taken with other food and drugs.

More than the intake of colostrum-containing supplements, consumers should also remember the following habits to ensure a healthy immune system:

* Have a healthy diet. According to Dr. De Villa, “You need to feed the system with the right nutrients to help it do its job, which is to heal itself.”

Poor nutrition, which results to a weak immune system, has been linked to many preventable deaths. People should avoid patronizing fastfood as the foods being served usually contain refined carbohydrates and sugars (composed of long-chain saturated fats) that are often bad for the body Foods containing complex carbohydrates and are consumed in moderation, on the other hand -like whole grains - are considered immune protectants.

* Stress reduction. Dr. Bartlett emphasized that exposure to chronic stress amy prematurely age the immune system and can lead to abnormalities as irregular menstruation and osteoporosis. “Which is why it is very important for people to take some time off and rest,” he added.

* Get adequate sleep. Sleep enhances proper bodily functions and higher immune system performance. For example, it was discovered that individuals able to complete eight to 10 hours of sleep have a more positive response to Hepatitis A vaccination.

* Exercise. According to Dr. De Villa, exercise such as 30-minute brisk walking can improve the mood (responsive to stress reduction) and improve lymphocyte and neutrophil activity - white blood cells in the body that scavenge for bacteria and viruses.

* Minimize external damage to UV light. UV B exposure has been linked with the suppression of the immune system, and could make a person more vulnerable to ailments like herpes, measles, malaria, TB, and fungal infections.

*Supplementation. Aside from colostrum-containing supplements, people should also consider supplement intakes of vitamins C, E and D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids to aid colostrum-performed antibodies.

Manila Bulletin

# posted by CIELO : 1:32 PM

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